Short reference
Main menu:
VAPOUR-option: Analysis of multidimensional vapour diffusion is
only possible with an active VAPOUR-Option of the program.. |
Input and data entry windows:
Element Editor,
Element browser,
Layers, Elements 2D,
Snap grid, Translate,
Rotate, Mirror,
The context menu
of element processing (by pressing the right mouse button over
Elements 2D,
Element Editor,
Element browser):
Element browser
window (use functions of the
context menu of element processing - by pressing the right mouse button over
this window):
Element Editor: (use functions of
the context menu of
element processing - by pressing the right mouse button over this window -
and a double-click over material or surface data will reveal
- Use the TAB or Shift-TAB key to confirm data entered into the input field
and to move the input focus between the fields and controls!
- Use arrow keys when the
element type
input field is focused!
Empty Box – excavating element. Elements „underneath“, i.e. listed earlier
in the element list are overlapped with "Nothing".
Material Box – a material cell has material properties, like conductance,
assigned to it.
Space Box – represents Space. A Space cell is used to assign "heat
transfer coefficient" to the surface of the construction and then, during
evaluation, to assign air temperature as the boundary condition for the space.
Power Box – the Power-Box frame. Material elements „underneath“, i.e.
listed earlier in the element list will be defined as power sources (in
addition to its material property). These areas are then assigned power
boundary condition during the evaluation.
- Names of Spaces and Power Sources will be used to create the list of
boundary conditions during evaluation.
- A double-click over material or surface data reveals
- Right mouse button: reveals the
context menu of element processing.
- Use the ENTER key while the
button "Duplicate" is focused!
Windows of Materials und
Surfaces are used to prepare of
the later needed (and reusable) properties of
Materials- or
- A double-click transfer the selected property onto (selected)
- Right mouse button: Shows
Material- or
Surface properties and the
Insert/Delete functions.
Elements 2D Windows
(use functions of the
context menu of element processing - by pressing the right mouse button over
this window):
Layer browser window:
selection and editing of a
Layer in a Layered
3D Project
Elements 3D window:
Is used for continuous visual verification during creation of 3D models.
Boundary conditions window: Is used to enter boundary conditions for
evaluation (e.g. temperatures). "Apply" start the superposition and
Data Entry Report,
Modelling Report,
Result Report,
Coupling Coefficients Report,
Determination :
Textual output of results
- Menu File→Print:
prints the report
- Menu File→Export→Report:
export/save the report as Acrobat PDF, Excel XLS, Word DOC
- File→Export→Coupling
Coeff. Matrix...:
save the matrix of thermal coupling coefficients to a CSV file
Controls on the Toolbar: Zoom the display, print, export etc.
Results 3D window: 3D
visualisation of temperature distribution, heat stream density, heat stream and
surface humidity.
- Drag with the mouse: rotates and rolls the view following the
Track-Ball principle.
with CTRL-key held roll around the Z axis.
with SHIFT-key held scales the view.
- Fit: will show the whole construction in the window.
- Evaluation views: model,
isolines /
isotherms, iso-surface,
slice X,Y,Z,
vector arrows,
profile diagram
Secondary functions:
Active (scalar)
function and active
vector field: temperature °C, heat stream density W/m², relative surface
humidity %, saturated vapour pressure hPa, partial vapour pressure hPa,
vapour pressure difference hPa, relative interstitial core humidity %, vapour stream density mg/m²h, vector field of
heat stream W/m², vector field of vapour stream mg/m²h.
- Collecting and interactively moving or picking points of interest
- Colouring by given
colour map, adjusted value range, and opacity/transparency, brightening with
More Light
- Representation as
solid or wire frame model
- Setting and quick restoring of
3D results evaluation parameters and
Transferring the view via clipboard to another application for further
Extensive introduction and
introductory tutorials, collections of
according to EN
ISO 10211:2007,
Validation according to EN ISO 10077-2:2003
Further study of
theory and background and
primary concepts together with related
Please accept licence terms and
conditions including requirements related to copyright marks on printouts.