Copy image to clipboard (command)Graphical views can be easily copied to the clipboard and transferred for further processing (e.g. for integrating images in reports) to any other application (pasted from the clipboard).
Pictures copied to the clipboard are always shown on top of white background ensuring correct printing quality. The size and proportions (aspect ratio of width to height) of the specially generated image can be defined within application settings.
During the process of image creation the mouse cursor changes to a sand clock. Detailed description of clipboard usage is described within operating system help. See Exporting an image for further description of exporting images from this application. If the application setting "clipboard image Save-To-File option" is set to active (true) then you will be offered an option to save (export) the image into an image file (PNG, TIF, BMP, GIF, JPG) - a file-save-as-dialog will be presented. Remark: The option to save images placed onto the clipboard to a file can be set within application settings (Clipboard image Save-To-File option, AlwaysAskToSaveGrabbedImage). Remark: The meaning of the setting "Clipboard image Save-To-File option" can be reversed while the SHIFT-key is held depressed during a click onto the "Photo button". This means, that if the Save-To-File option is active saving the image to the file will not be offered if the Photo-button is depressed during the SHIFT-Key is held depressed. Opposite is also valid: During the Save-To-File option is not active (set to False) and the Photo-button is clicked while holding the SHIFT-key, the dialog offering saving of the image to a file will be presented in contrast. Remark: The 3D cursor widget and the orientation marker will be hidden temporarily and not rendered to the resulting export view. Remark: Saving images while in stereo mode might be eventually restricted (see "stereo display rendering"). See also: Elements 3D, Results 3D, Application settings, Exporting an image, Keep view aspect ratio |