Element selection (browser) - windowElement selection (element browser) window shows the list of all input elements of the construction (or elements of the active layer ) in specific order of overlapping .
From that window you can select elements for editing, insert new elements, reorder elements in their overlapping order (promote or relegate) and also delete elements.
Elements listEach line of the elements list represents one input element. The line shows the type of the element (Space, Material, Power source, Empty), its position given by entered coordinates (x1,y1,z1)-(x2,y2,z2), name of the material used or of the surface, space or power source together with its physical properties such as heat conductivity of the material or surface heat transfer coefficient. When the mouse pointer hovers over one element the properties of the element under the pointer are shown in a tooltip (small informational popup window). The tooltip text disappears after 5 seconds or on any mouse movement or click. Columns Number# and Type are rendered by approximating the colour of an element (the text is rendered in the contrast colour depending on the value of the element colour). Element editingA double click over a element's line in the elements list will open the Element editor window or expose it if it is already open. Clicking the right mouse button over the elements list will reveal (possibly very complex) context menu of element editing allowing choice of element processing functions. This context menu and its commands are common to all element editing windows and is described separately. Element selectionClicking with left mouse button with the mouse pointer placed over a line within the elements list will select the element clicked. Keyboard's arrow keys can also be used for such single element selection. Element selection buttons can be used to select single elements: the first in the order, previous to the currently selected, next to the current or the last one in the element list. Selection of multiple elementsWhile holding the control-key (CTRL) one can click on one line of the element list to add that element to the selection or to remove it from the current selection. While holding the shift-key (SHIFT) one can click on one line of the element list to select all elements between the line clicked and the element selected just beforehand. The selection can also be extended by dragging with the pointer over elements while holding the left mouse button pressed. Reordering (promoting/demoting) of elementsThe order of elements shown in the element list is significant for resulting overlapping effect of elements intersecting one another. Changing the order of elements in the element list leads to change in the overlapping effect. By overlapping elements in the order of input one receives automatically dynamic intersection of elements positioned earlier in the order. Command buttons "Promote" or "Relegate" are used to move selected elements in the list and thus they change the order of overlapping intersections. Promoting and relegating is also possible of several elements are selected. Each selected element is shifted by one position until the block of selected elements reaches the start or the end of the list. If the first or last selected element has already reached beginning (or end) of element list no further reordering action in this direction can be performed any more - this limitation provides the ability to revert the operation in the opposite direction to eventually restore to the original situation (order). See also: Element Editor, Order of overlapping , context menu of element editing , Types of elements , Layers window |