Stretch windowThe Stretch window allows stretching (extending, lengthening) of one or many elements (selected the element list) located on one side of specified coordinate by specific distance. By entering negative distance the effect of "shrinking" (shortening) elements can be reached. The window Stretch can be called from the context menu of element processing (a sub menu Stretch).
The shift is applied equally to all elements selected from the element list, but only restricted to coordinates located on one side of the From-Input value. If no elements are currently selected buttons are inactive. Remark: Repetitive combinations of "+ Interval" and "− Interval" (in that order) can be used to revert the operation. Important: Using negative "by" value will in most cases result in irreversible result! Remark: Z-coordinates of elements in 2D or Layered 3D projects are calculated from layer's thickness. Therefore stretching in Z direction is inactive in such projects. See also: Element Editor, Context menu of element processing, Element selection window, Translate window, Rotate window, Mirror window |